The Band-in-a-Box 2019 Pro Edition for Mac includes over 64 new features that have been added to the best-selling program. The 2019 Edition is a 64-bit version of Band-in-a-Box, which works well with the latest plugins and 64-bit OS features! Perfect for musicians, songwriters, and educators - award-winning Band-in-a-Box is the world's premiere auto accompaniment and style-based music creation software. Use it to easily create backing tracks for songs, jam tracks for practicing solos and improvisation, or as a powerful songwriting tool. Just type in some chords (like C, Fm7, or C13b9), choose a style, and Band-in-a-Box automatically creates professional-quality backing tracks with keyboards, bass, drums, guitar, strings, horns, and other instruments. Band-in-a-box supports a wide variety of popular styles including Rock, Pop, Country, Folk, Celtic, Blues, Jazz, Latin, and Bluegrass styles. You can also create jam tracks using your own Hybrid Styles. Get great-sounding backing tracks with RealDrums and RealTracks, which give you over 200 hours of Studio musicians` recordings to use in your songs! Realtracks are available in a wide range of musical styles, keys, and tempos and use the high-quality Elastique 3 audio stretching and transposition engine. Real style automatically Selects RealTracks for you when generating an arrangement. Real charts even lets you view the music notation and guitar Tab/Fretboard display. For added versatility, you can import your own or 3rd party loops or your favorite MIDI track in any style to any track in your arrangement. Use the built-in mixer to control volume, panning, Tone, and reverb for each instrument in your ultra-realistic Band-in-a-Box arrangement. The “combo” slider lets you make changes to all tracks at once. Print your song arrangements as sheet music or save as audio files (AIFF, M4A, WAV) for use in other programs (offers., GarageBand, Cubase, etc.) or to share on the Internet.